Thats one gutsy pick. She also sounds like some kind of woman. Pro Gun, anti abortion, pro drilling and cust pork big style. McCain chooses female Alaska governor Sarah Palin as running mate - Times Online.
Mrs Palin was also believed to be a longshot ..wildly popular as governor in a state beset with political corruption. She ran in her gubernatorial campaign as a clean-government reformer and scourge of wasteful spending. ...She took a pay cut, dispensed with the gubanatorial jet, and successively killed the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” project that had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful, pork-barrel spending that Mr McCain has made a cornerstone of his campaign. “As governor I’ve stood up to politics as usual,” Mrs Palin said. “I’ve stopped wasteful spending, cut taxes, and put the people first.
I have believed for a long time that McCain will win. IMHO this firmly tips the balance. McCain has waited until Obama named slick Joe and has trumped the Dems big style.
Obama would not be where he is were he not black, but it is easy to believe that McCain would have taken a pork cutter like Palin who is so pro gun & anti abortion.
The great thing is that if McCain does do four years Palin will have received exceptional training and would be ready to be elected in her own right. All McCain has to do is to give her the remit to cut pork. He gets on with governing and she goes hunting pork. What a team.
McCain Palin is as good as it gets.