OK - So who wants to anonymously give $5000 worth of bullshit to the Labour party. Just pass it though the electoral office: Crays caught in electoral pot - 22 Nov 2007 - Political News - New Zealand Herald.
Under new protected disclosure provisions in the bill, the commission takes donations of more than $1000 if the giver wishes to remain anonymous and passes them to political parties "But donations are money, goods and services," Dr Catt said, "so if you wanted to give $3000 worth of wood to a political party or 300 crayfish and remain anonymous, you would have to give it to us and we would have to do something with the wood or crayfish before we could pass it on."
how about a mound of cow dung cast into the shape of - hmm... maybe a big "L".
Then either the donor or the political party can auction it on trademe. A big cow poo L should fetch 99 million or so. Or more seriously maybe $1001.
I wonder where the law would stand regarding such intersting situations.
Posted by: GNZ | Jan 04, 2008 at 10:26 AM