Helen Clark tells another big fat lie .
The truth is the cards were paid for in the same way they always have been, and to which no exception had been taken before.
Murray McCully says
So just how did everyone leap to the massively incorrect conclusion that the Labour Party is run by decent, law-abiding individuals who pay their own campaign expenses? Well, the answer is simple. Look at the line at the bottom of Helen Clarkâs pledge card brochure in 1999: "This card was paid for and delivered by Labour supporters."
I very much doubt that Mr McCully is unable to read. That means Clark is a bigger liar than I gave her credit for. I would be most interested in getting a digital copy of that pledge card and will post it when I get it.
It's exactly this sort of thing that fucks me off so much. Why has the MSM not picked up on this? I would have thought that most journalists would be thrilled to be the one to point this out to Clark in an interview and look realy realy clever. Are they lazy or biased?
Thinking about it thy're probably just lazy.
Posted by: Oliver | Oct 29, 2006 at 09:47 AM
the msm are starting to come around. I will definitely be sending this to them when I get it
Posted by: sagenz | Oct 29, 2006 at 09:54 AM
have you asked Darnton for a copy of the original pledge card - he is likely to have one. (or you can place a bid on trade-me but you will need to pay $2 for it - just ensure it is an individual not the corrupt labour party.
Posted by: peter mck | Oct 29, 2006 at 07:27 PM
peter - i had thought of it but not asked yet. I asked Murray McCully first but no joy yet.
Posted by: sagenz | Oct 30, 2006 at 04:34 PM