Now that Colin Powell has served the one term he intended and stood down according to his own timetable the questions are who will replace him and what will he do next.
Whilst Silent Running are touting Rumsfeld and BBC has raised Wolfowitz, I think the chances of either may be relatively low. Bush cannot reach out and at the same time put Rumsfeld in charge of foreign policy.
On what Powell does next it is clear the offer would be their to chair the next middle east peace process. The man has huge charisma and huge authority. despite his contributions to justifying the war he is seen to be fair minded and has tried his utmost to promote diplomacy. Imagine a military secretary of defense with the support of the military and Rumsfeld as Sec State and Powell in charge of Middle East policy. It would take away a lot of Rumsfelds power base.
My call is Condi for State as a reward for what must have been extremely sound and loyal advice. Bush rewards those who stand by him. Interested in Nz comments.
UPDATE: Well I picked it right. And I picked Bush right. So all I need for the hat trick is Colin and the middle east. as pundi said, its all about me me me.