Having discovered that Just Left had a googlewhack with "Maharey is a plonker" (see posts below) I just had to go back and start reading him again, didn't I.
But then I realised why the sort of woolly thinking hyprocrisy and wanting to have it both ways just does bad things for my blood pressure. Comments from link above by Jordan
Jordan - "Why is 'free' contracting so magic to you? Do you not acknowledge that in general, the relationship between workers and employers is characterised by a power imbalance in favour of the employer?"
Jordan - "My politics is about creating a level playing field where people can make their *own* choices. "
The fella contradicts himself in the same damn post ffs. But in the group 3 world of Helengrad it is very important that we say one thing while taking them rapidly in another. Young Jordan works for young labour and he has some thoughtful posts. You find yourself swept along in a warm glowing river of nice sounding views and strong declarations of honesty and good intent. Then you take a reality check and compare one comment with another. The true meaning comes out. We are free as long as Just Left and his masters in helengrad say we can be free. Really orwellian Animal Farm speak. It is not in the carefully edited posts that the reality is shown. It is in the reaction to comments that hypocrisy and the real thought process are found. I quote the power imbalance bit to demolish it.
Actually in todays world of Helengrad I think that odds are stacked strongly in favour of the employee. The employment tribunal has got things to the point where economically it is cheaper for a business to pay an employee to go away rather than argue the principle. A worker with bad faith can argue stress and cripple their employer with fines and going through adjudication processes that mire the average organisation in bureaucracy and process rather than getting on with the job of making a business.
A worker does not have to take a job and in the US a flexible worker is able to move and find a higher paying job with ease due to their flexible labour laws. It is the stupid thinking of the Europeans that is dragging down their economies. from a level playing field thirty years ago the US has moved to 50% ahead of the average EU income and almost double New Zealands.
The point where comments get really cruelly funny is when you have idiots like millsy who witter about the people who died saving overtime. "do you think that overtime should be abolished? Thats what you are implying. I suggest you start reading the Universal Declaration of Human rights and the ILO conventions that this country is a signatory to. I dont want people like you wrecking the protections that people have died for. "
listen fuckface. People died protecting our freedoms. They are still dying and you are out there protesting against them. Trying to pull in some socialist pronouncement from the ILO on overtime going all human rightsy is just so much bullshit. You dont understand your real human rights and you dont understand that people are still fighting for them. But even then. You still deserve them.
And the right to be paid extra for overtime is a load of shite. If I choose to work 60 hours for a rate or 30 hours for a rate that is between me and an employer. provide the conditions for economic growth rather than stagnation and the market will protect employees. If the employee wants more money for working longer hours then let them negotiate it with the employer or find another job. That is free association. And it is being taken away by the latest employment act amendments.
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